About Us

Hi! Thanks for stopping by. If you’re here, you’re wondering just who the SaaSy Sisters are. Without further ado…


6x Certified Architect

Abby drinks and she knows things. But seriously. Abby has been working in the Salesforce ecosystem for over a decade. Abby has a passion for flow, process automation, tie dye, and Kerry Blue Terriers.


5x Certified Admineloper

When Carissa started working her first “big kid” job after college and was asked to also implement Salesforce, she thought she’d spend most of her time using that Marketing degree she had and dabble in Salesforce until someone else could take it over. If she only knew! She fell in love with Salesforce and all the power of improving business processes. Since those early days in 2013, she’s earned 5 certifications and started to learn more in the development area. Her long term goal is to be an architect (today…. ask her again tomorrow).

We like Salesforce, yes we do. We like Salesforce, how about you?